Chengdu Metropolitan Robotics Industry Conference in Ziyang Blossoming with light
Robotics is surrounding us,China is the world"s largest robotics market,with more than 40%of the world"s patent applications in recent years.To promote the development of robotics industry,in 2020,the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other 17 departments issued a notice on the implementation plan of"Robot+"application action,mentioning that by 2025,the density of manufacturing robots will double,the depth and breadth of application of service robots and special robots will be significantly improved,and the ability of robots to promote high-quality economic and social development will be significantly enhanced.
On June 20,the Chengdu Metro Area Robotics Industry Conference was held in Ziyang.Ziyang Airport Economic Zone and Neolithic Huitong(Beijing)Technology Ltd.signed the"New Stone(Ziyang)Advanced Manufacturing and Service Base Project Cooperation Agreement",and signed the"Space Orbit Service Project Cooperation Agreement"with Ocean Sky Technology(Beijing)Ltd.Shanghai Gao Xian Robot Company,which has been put into production in Ziyang,signed a procurement cooperation agreement with Shenzhen Suteng Juchuang Technology Co.Improving intelligent manufacturing industry in Ziyan style.Intelligent chips,controllers,servo motors,reducers and other core parts manufacturing,robot body manufacturing and system integrator enterprise landing,creating a regional link through Chengdu metropolitan area robot industry chain.
"At present,Ziyang has already introduced high fairy robot,yet new stone unmanned vehicles,Youdi robot and other new projects shall be the next step this year,that will further strengthen the Ziyang intelligent manufacturing industry cluster.In the future,Ziyang will further grasp investment attraction and project landing construction to build intelligent manufacturing industry and robot industry."Ziyang City Economic and Information Bureau Chief Economist Cai Ling said.
During the conference,Chengd、Deyang、Miezhou and Ziyang signed the"Chengdu metropolitan area robot intelligent manufacturing industry cooperation agreement",deepening collaboration and exchange in industrial ecology,product marketing,product development and joint investment.Ziyang is using its own location advantages,and Chengdu metropolitan area strong joint efforts to build the metropolitan area robot industry cluster.
Chengdu metropolitan area robotics industry is aiming to instruct Ziyang on seizing the advantages of backwardness on Chengdu metropolitan area robotics industry development.Consider the rising of"robot+"development,Ziyang has occupied its own position even within the county?The director of the Robotics Department of the China Machinery Industry Federation and deputy secretary general of the Robotics Branch of the China Machinery Industry Federation(China Robotics Industry Alliance)gave her advice,Ziyang already has leading enterprises in various fields of intelligent manufacturing industry,such as New Stone and Gao Xian Robot,etc.To continue increasing the number of such enterprises,it is essential to pull the government and social capital investment,at the same time to open the markets,that will make a noticeable difference to Ziyang"s robotics industry.(Xiao Zhengjun)
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